Barthelemy vs DeMarco Fight Stats
Barthelemy defeats DeMarco by UD
Rances “Kid Blast” Barthelemy stayed dialed in for 10 rounds and won a unanimous decision over Antonio DeMarco.

Rances “Kid Blast” Barthelemy stayed dialed in for 10 rounds and won a unanimous decision over Antonio DeMarco.
- Name
- Record
- Rances Barthelemy
- Antonio DeMarco
- KOs (KO %)
- Rances Barthelemy
- Antonio DeMarco
- Weight
- Rances Barthelemy
- Antonio DeMarco
- Height
- Rances Barthelemy
- Antonio DeMarco
- Reach
- Rances Barthelemy
- Antonio DeMarco
- Stance
- Rances Barthelemy
- Antonio DeMarco
- Age
- Rances Barthelemy
- Antonio DeMarco