Centeno Jr vs Montiel Fight Stats
Centeno and Montiel fight to draw
Middleweight contender Hugo "The Boss" Centeno Jr. and Juan Macías Montiel fight to a majority draw in the main event of PBC on FS1.
![Hugo Centeno Jr photo](https://www.premierboxingchampions.com/sites/default/files/styles/bio_fighter_stats/public/Hugo_Centeno_secondary.jpg?itok=46Rtemaq)
![Juan Macias Montiel photo](https://www.premierboxingchampions.com/sites/default/files/styles/bio_fighter_stats/public/FullBody_Montiel.jpg?itok=buZ1HBRw)
Middleweight contender Hugo "The Boss" Centeno Jr. and Juan Macías Montiel fight to a majority draw in the main event of PBC on FS1.
- Name
- Record
- Hugo Centeno Jr
- Juan Macias Montiel
- KOs (KO %)
- Hugo Centeno Jr
- Juan Macias Montiel
- Weight
- Hugo Centeno Jr
- Juan Macias Montiel
- Height
- Hugo Centeno Jr
- Juan Macias Montiel
- Reach
- Hugo Centeno Jr
- Juan Macias Montiel
- Stance
- Hugo Centeno Jr
- Juan Macias Montiel
- Age
- Hugo Centeno Jr
- Juan Macias Montiel