Cuellar vs Mares Fight Stats
Mares wins by SD
Abner Mares capped a strong showing with an 11th-round knockdown and won a split decision to become a four-time world champion.

Abner Mares capped a strong showing with an 11th-round knockdown and won a split decision to become a four-time world champion.
- Name
- Record
- Jesus Marcelo Andres Cuellar
- Abner Mares
- KOs (KO %)
- Jesus Marcelo Andres Cuellar
- Abner Mares
- Weight
- Jesus Marcelo Andres Cuellar
- Abner Mares
- Height
- Jesus Marcelo Andres Cuellar
- Abner Mares
- Reach
- Jesus Marcelo Andres Cuellar
- Abner Mares
- Stance
- Jesus Marcelo Andres Cuellar
- Abner Mares
- Age
- Jesus Marcelo Andres Cuellar
- Abner Mares