Thomas vs Gassiev Fight Stats
Bout ruled a no contest
The bout was ruled a no contest after three rounds due to a punch after the bell by Murat Gassiev that left Isiah Thomas unable to continue.
![Isiah Thomas photo](
![Murat Gassiev photo](
The bout was ruled a no contest after three rounds due to a punch after the bell by Murat Gassiev that left Isiah Thomas unable to continue.
- Name
- Record
- Isiah Thomas
- Murat Gassiev
- KOs (KO %)
- Isiah Thomas
- Murat Gassiev
- Weight
- Isiah Thomas
- Murat Gassiev
- Height
- Isiah Thomas
- Murat Gassiev
- Reach
- Isiah Thomas
- Murat Gassiev
- Stance
- Isiah Thomas
- Murat Gassiev
- Age
- Isiah Thomas
- Murat Gassiev