Cherry vs Rhodes Fight Stats
Cherry wins by UD
Edner Cherry outworked Lydell Rhodes in a choppy, physical bout and won a 10-round unanimous decision.
![Edner Cherry photo](
![Haskell Lydell Rhodes photo](
Edner Cherry outworked Lydell Rhodes in a choppy, physical bout and won a 10-round unanimous decision.
- Name
- Record
- Edner Cherry
- Haskell Lydell Rhodes
- KOs (KO %)
- Edner Cherry
- Haskell Lydell Rhodes
- Weight
- Edner Cherry
- Haskell Lydell Rhodes
- Height
- Edner Cherry
- Haskell Lydell Rhodes
- Reach
- Edner Cherry
- Haskell Lydell Rhodes
- Stance
- Edner Cherry
- Haskell Lydell Rhodes
- Age
- Edner Cherry
- Haskell Lydell Rhodes