Plant vs Lee Fight Stats
Plans stops Lee
Super Middleweight World Champion Caleb Plant defends his IBF 168-pound title with a TKO of previously unbeaten contender Mike Lee in the main event of a PBC on FOX card in Las Vegas.

Super Middleweight World Champion Caleb Plant defends his IBF 168-pound title with a TKO of previously unbeaten contender Mike Lee in the main event of a PBC on FOX card in Las Vegas.
- Name
- Record
- Caleb Plant
- Mike Lee
- KOs (KO %)
- Caleb Plant
- Mike Lee
- Weight
- Caleb Plant
- Mike Lee
- Height
- Caleb Plant
- Mike Lee
- Reach
- Caleb Plant
- Mike Lee
- Stance
- Caleb Plant
- Mike Lee
- Age
- Caleb Plant
- Mike Lee