Rolando Romero vs Ismael Barroso Fight Stats
Romero Defeats Barroso
Despite being knocked down in round 3, Rolando "Rolly" Romero overcomes adversity to defeat Ismael Barroso via a controversial ninth-round TKO and is now the new WBA Super Lightweight World Champion.

Despite being knocked down in round 3, Rolando "Rolly" Romero overcomes adversity to defeat Ismael Barroso via a controversial ninth-round TKO and is now the new WBA Super Lightweight World Champion.
- Name
- Record
- Rolando Romero
- Ismael Barroso
- KOs (KO %)
- Rolando Romero
- Ismael Barroso
- Weight
- Rolando Romero
- Ismael Barroso
- Height
- Rolando Romero
- Ismael Barroso
- Reach
- Rolando Romero
- Ismael Barroso
- Stance
- Rolando Romero
- Ismael Barroso
- Age
- Rolando Romero
- Ismael Barroso