Williams vs Savigne Fight Stats
Williams wins by TKO
After an exchange of knockdowns in the first round, Thomas Williams Jr. unleashed a flurry in the second to gain a TKO of Humberto Savigne in a 175-pound bout.

After an exchange of knockdowns in the first round, Thomas Williams Jr. unleashed a flurry in the second to gain a TKO of Humberto Savigne in a 175-pound bout.
- Name
- Record
- Thomas Williams Jr
- Umberto Savigne
- KOs (KO %)
- Thomas Williams Jr
- Umberto Savigne
- Weight
- Thomas Williams Jr
- Umberto Savigne
- Height
- Thomas Williams Jr
- Umberto Savigne
- Reach
- Thomas Williams Jr
- Umberto Savigne
- Stance
- Thomas Williams Jr
- Umberto Savigne
- Age
- Thomas Williams Jr
- Umberto Savigne